Parakkai (see wikimapia on your left) is a nature's gift pregnant with fresh unpolluted air, dashed with greeneries and fresh water ponds (kulam) all around. Our house is part of the beautiful Agraharam (houses around the temple). The Madhoosodhana temple has a beautiful fresh water pond facing it. Almost everyone in and around the Agraharam take their morning bath in this pond. Straight after bath a divine darshan of the Almighty. I realized how peaceful life is away from the pollution, space crunch, concrete jungles of the cities.
We took a bath there and it was a exhilarating experience as the waves were very strong and ferocious. There were none at the beach except two of us. At a roadside shop, just outside the beach we had hot Chilli Bhajjis and Chukku Kaapi(Dry ginger coffee). It was time to get back to home as it was getting darker, but we decided to visit Manakudy(a village 4 kms away). This village was devastated by the Tsunami and so was Sothavilai beach. More than 150 had lost their lives then :-(
When we reached Manakudy I was shocked to see a big bridge broken away in the lagoon by the Tsunami (file pic attached). Now there is a small makeshift bridge to connect the two villages across the bay. There was aroma of fish all over the place(Manakudy is a fisherman's village). I got a glimse of new houses all similarly designed for the Tsunami affected. After spending some time in Manakudy we headed back to Parakkai. We were feeling very hungry [forget the Bhajjis we had ;-) ] we stopped at a roadside small hotel. We both had Rasam Vadais, Paper roast Dosas and Coffee all for Rs.14/- . Surprised huh?? Tats village life for u.

Then it was time to say Bid Adieu to my brother and Perima and Peripa(Uncle and Aunt). It was a great break for me away from my boring job.
Now I am back in pavilion(I mean office) :-(
but rewinding my trip through this blog.
U r Very Lucky To Visit Native place often...Ours Tirunelveli n Kanya District are very good place to be in full of beaches n Waterfalls...Its Been 13 years I hav nt visited mine native place Tirunelveli...I Remember havng gr8 fun there...
@satish: I understand its difficult to take time out of our machine life.. But its worth a visit.. Afterall peace of mind is priceless u c.
Nice write have taken me to one of the cutest village. Village life is always the best.More relaxed. Would love to visit suchindram , heard lots abt the temple.
Nothing like Sukku kaapi. Is it available in our CCD :)
Thanks sir.. I terribly missed a camera as i wanted to capture the scenic beauties of my village, KK etc..
Suchindrum temple is awesome..
Sukku Kaapi's taste is still lingering in my taste buds.. :-)
hey Ash, i can't see the pictures on the post - is there a problem?
@rakesh: Now You can see the pics. Sorry for the inconvenience.
i love Kanyakumari District dude!
btw.. thanks for your visit in my blog..
Ur blog is cool too!
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