Saturday, December 1, 2012

Ashwath's Drying clothes equation

This is no troll. This is an accidental discovery by a err.. married man i.e., me. Well, one fine morning after washing my clothes, i headed upstairs to the open-terrace where i put my clothes to dry on the drying rope out there. Happened to count how many clips it took in all. There were 5 clothes and it needed 6 crocodile clips.

Came done and did some scribbling on my newspaper and Eurekka! Thats where the equation came to life. I proudly call it the Ashwath's Drying clothes Equation. ;-) Here it goes.  Let me know your comments.

Y = The number of clothes to be dried
L = No. of loops in the cloth drying line
X = No. of crocodile clips needed 

Presumption :
Two cloths are held together at their intersection by a single crocodile clip. And there are no ends left un-clipped.

X = Y – (L-1)
